How to Create a $1M Sales Pipeline [webinar]

When was the last time you looked at your open opportunities and felt confident that you had enough deals in your pipeline to beat your targets?

For most of us, maintaining a consistent pipeline of new deals takes a lot of time and is an exercise in tedious data entry and process for process sake.

  1. Think about the steps involved in finding new business and how much time you’re wasting:
  2. Building untargeted prospect lists
  3. Copy/pasting data into excel
  4. Guessing email addresses
  5. Sending out cold intro emails one by one (or not)
  6. Remembering to follow-up
  7. Updating your CRM

Rinse and repeat.

Wasting hours a week on the wrong activities that steal time away from the most rewarding part of business… talking with potential customers.

The best way to get a higher response rate on your outbound prospecting is to execute a process that sends the right message to the right people and consistently follows-up until they reply.

Easy right? It’s not.

On this webinar, you’ll discover:

$1M Sales Pipeline Generation Guide from SellHack on Vimeo.

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